'https://sp.example.ac.za/simplesaml/module.php/saml/sp/metadata/example-sp', /* unique identifier within your domain name space */ 'discoURL' => 'https://service.seamlessaccess.org/ds', // 'idp' => 'https://iziko.safire.ac.za/', 'attributes' => [ /* see https://safire.ac.za/technical/attributes/ */ 'eduPersonPrincipalName' => 'urn:oid:', 'mail' => 'urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3', ], 'attributes.required' => [ /* must be in OID form */ 'urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3', // mail 'urn:oid:', // eduPersonPrincipalName ], 'attributes.NameFormat' => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri', 'acs.Bindings' => ['urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Artifact'], 'SingleLogoutServiceBinding' => ['urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST'], /* SAML2int only requires HTTP-Redirect */ 'privatekey' => 'example-sp.pem', 'privatekey_pass' => 'YourPrivateKeyPassphrase', /* you encrypt your private key, right? */ 'certificate' => 'example-sp.crt', /* see https://safire.ac.za/technical/resources/generating-certificates-for-safire/ */ /* * Feel free to include as many official translations as you have. * English IsiZulu, isiXhosa & Afrikaans currently natively supported. * Where a translation is not included, English will be used by default. */ 'OrganizationName' => [ /* Legal Name */ 'en' => 'Example University', 'af' => 'Byvorbeeld Universiteit', ], 'OrganizationDisplayName' => [ /* Name your organisation is commonly known by */ 'en' => 'ExampleU', 'af' => 'ByvorbeeldU', ], 'OrganizationURL' => ['en' => 'https://www.example.ac.za',], 'name' => [ /* ServiceName */ 'en' => 'Example Service Provider', 'af' => 'Byvoorveeld Diens-Verskaffer', ], 'description' => ['en' => 'The description should be short, and explain why you need the attributes your want',], /* ServiceDescription */ 'UIInfo' => [ 'DisplayName' => [ /* must match ServiceName above */ 'en' => 'Example Service Provider', 'af' => 'Byvoorveeld Diens-Verskaffer', ], 'Description' => ['en' => 'The description should be short, and explain why you need the attributes your want',], /* must match ServiceDescription above */ 'PrivacyStatementURL' => ['en' => 'https://sp.example.ac.za/privacy-statement-for-my-service',], /* Mandatory for SPs */ 'InformationURL' => ['en' => 'https://sp.example.ac.za/about-my-service',], /* where can I find info about your service? suggested */ 'Logo' => [ [ /* This is the size recommended by SAFIRE (at least 150x150, square) */ 'url' => 'https://sp.example.ac.za/my-300x300-logo.png', 'height' => 300, 'width' => 300, ], ], ], 'contacts' => [ /* technical contact is added automatically from config/config.php */ [ 'contactType' => 'support', 'emailAddress' => 'mailto:support@example.ac.za', /* role not person */ 'givenName' => 'Example University Help Desk', 'telephoneNumber' => '+', ], [ /* required for Sirtfi, but this is how to add a security contact if you have one */ 'contactType' => 'other', 'emailAddress' => 'mailto:csirt@example.ac.za', 'givenName' => 'Example University CSIRT', 'telephoneNumber' => '+', 'attributes' => [ 'xmlns:remd' => 'http://refeds.org/metadata', 'remd:contactType' => 'http://refeds.org/metadata/contactType/security', ], ], ], ];